My previous area of research was the contextualization of the gospel among pastoral groups. Presently I am working on the topic, “Contextualization, Discipleship, and the Mission of the Church in Africa.” Though African churches are growing rapidly, the churches face challenges with regards to their theological ground and mission engagement due to lack of appropriate contextualization and discipleship. After serving more than three decades in Ethiopian evangelical churches, I am passionate about an integrated approach to mission through discipleship-focused contextual communication.
Dr. Ermias Mamo Guisha
Biblical and Theological Studies| Mission Studies
- D. in Intercultural Studies, Fuller Seminary, Pasadena CA, USA (2008). Dissertation: Knowing God in Ritual Context in Special Reference to the Hamar of Southern Ethiopia.
- A. in Intercultural Studies, Pasadena, CA. Fuller Theological Seminary, USA (2003).
- Bachelor of Theology, Evangelical Theological College, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (1997).
- Bible College Training, Dilla Kale Heywet Ministry Training Center (1991-1993).
In the last nine years of my teaching career, I taught the following courses: Gospel and Culture; Cross-cultural Communication; Contextual Theology; Church and Mission; Current Issues in Mission Theology; and Discipleship across Culture. I am married with four children.
I have one article and one book preparing for publication. My book is on Contextualization, Discipleship, and Mission: An Integrative Approach. The article is entitled, “Contextualized Discipleship in Contexts of Suffering.”
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- Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
- Chaplin