The Ethiopian Graduate School of Theology, EGST Council of Owners appointed new Council Chair and Vice Chair on its extraordinary meeting held on 12 January 2018. Dr. Eyasu Elias, the EKHC President, is approved as the new Council Chairperson succeeding Rev. Dr Wakseyoum Idossa of EECMY, while Ato Getu Gizaw from ECFE is appointed as the new Vice-Chairperson replacing former Vice-Chair, Prof.Teketel Yohannes of EKHC.
The council concluded the meeting by a prayer of dedication to the new Council Chairpersons.
The Council further heard the Director’s 2017 Annual Report and approved 2018 annual budget and plan on its annual ordinary meeting held on 29 December 2017. It has also approved new Board Officers, Rev. Teshome Amenu from EECMY as Board Chairperson, Ato Tewodros Beyene from ECFE as Vice Chairperson, and Ato Desta Lambebo from EKHC as Honorary Treasurer. It was recalled that Dr. Tesfaye Yacob from EKHC, Rev. Yonas Yigezu from EECMY, and Pastor Tsadiku Abdo from ECFE served EGST as Board Chairperson, Vice Chairperson and Honorary Treasurer respectively in previous years.
Prior to the Council’s meeting, the Board held its annual ordinary meeting for three days, from December 22-24, 2017 at Asham Africa Resort, Bishoftu/Debre Zeiyet. On this meeting, the Board reviewed the Director’s Report and the 2018 Budget before it was presented to the Council of Owners for approval. A policy draft on faculty promotion scheme was similarly presented and discussed up on, and it is expected to be approved by the Board in its next meeting.
After hearing the Faculty Council’s proposal presented by the Director, the Board decided that both Dr. Theodros Assefa, Dean of Academic Affairs, and Dr. Afework Hailu, Dean of Students Affairs, to continue on their current position for the second term. [Source: EGST PRC].