Master of Arts in Peace and Sustainable Development (MA-PSD)
Overview: The Master of Arts in Peace and Sustainable Development (MA-PSD) is similar to the other theologically integrated EGST programmes. MA-PSD has biblical & theological courses, courses in peace and sustainable development, practicum in peace and sustainable development, and research in peace and sustainable development.
There will be a link with faith leaders’ short-term training and peace education programme at the grass root level where faculty, staff, and students get engaged.
The theological courses were designed purposefully to incorporate themes that are directly related to the issues of peace and development. Put another way, the courses offer themes that are related to wide-ranging issues including Peace and Sustainable Development while addressing all aspects of theology: Old Testament Theology, New Testament Theology, Church, Society and State Relations in Ethiopia, Understanding Culture and Praxis for Transformational Engagement and Community Building, and Contemporary Issues and Themes in Christian Theology.
On the other hand, the non-theological courses cover the key aspects of MA-PSD such as identity, diversity, gender, climate change, conflicts, managing and transforming conflicts, and peace-building at all levels (from grassroots to global).